The Client Briefing

The clients Jennifer and Leanne are the Directors of In you Element, which is  hoping to create a health check finder. Their main purpose at this stage is to let people know whats available in their area.
During this initial client briefing they began by explaining who they are and their preferable outcome from this live project. They then gave us a background on the whole health situation in the area. with statistics like 60% of deaths in the area are due to neglect on health issues, included but not limited to cardiac problems, social aspects ie. depression or stress.

650 lives per year saved with regular health checks... Prevention is key!

We were briefed on a quick background on the area and its economical status, so we would have a better understanding of our target audience.
In short it is a socially deprived area with overcrowding and a low education level, many are on low incomes and or are unemployed.
Many in this area require clinics that are only available on the cityside, which is too great a distance to walk, especially if you are unwell or have disabilities, the taxi costs are expensive and therefore off putting, because of this so many in the area don't attend their necessary clinic days, The clients have suggested a transportation tool on the app/website, allowing the audience to be aware of the transportation options so they can make an informed decision before neglecting their health and not attending vital clinics.

Due to the low literacy levels and lack of incentive, the clients hope is that a Digital health check finder would be easier to read and make the area more involved in their health and community.
The area has an existing strong community living center with many available programmes and free classes that meets all types of needs and interests.
Regardless of poverty the average UK household will have internet access via laptop/phone/tablet, Although there are many circumstances that dont ie. elderly, technology illiterate, These arent the main target audience but i would like to include information for these groups anyway, as i think thats stereotyping too much and a family member may be helping them use the app/website.

We were given literature which included BBC reports on health neglect in the UK and its roll over effects, and a booklet style newsletter for the areas healthy living center, allowing us to see what all is available and how we could promote them more using the web/app.

The health check finder should include information thats included in the newsletter and allow third partys to promote their relevant programmmes in the health check finder also.
The site/app would need regular updating to give the audience the most up to date information possible.
The health check finder should have information on free health options in the area as well as a price list for others.
The options should have details and filters on what each GP, pharmacists etc have available and what they specialize in, ie. if a client simply wanted to talk about dietary needs or check their BMI the filter should prioritize the list by factors like the cheapest and closest.

Jennifer and Leanne suggested a 'call now' option, or plan the route using filters like google maps does, perhaps create an appointment online or compare options and transport.
These would of course require third party consent or a wider administration team, but this stage is the designing the apps not putting them into practice.
I must keep in mind what is and isnt feasible for the clients and project at this current stage.

Details on available options displayed should include information like,
-who i need
-what they do
-how can i contact them

Once we had a full briefing and understood what the clients preferred outcomes were, we began to brainstorm and bounce ideas of each other and the clients, some of the ideas were things like an 'emergency button', with symptoms info and the correct protocol including contacts and how to inform them on the situation ie what to say.
A notice board, live chat box feature, allow people to recommend or complain about any options or programmes. It would give hermits and anti social people a chance to come out of their shell and perhaps get to know the community, make friends and give them more of an incentive to get help or join outreach programmes and programmes available in the healthy living center.
Stop it before it happens option, ie recipes and menus for healthy living or symptoms and signs to watch out for even if you arent currently sick.
A highly discussed topic was the transportation tool and all the features and filters it could consist off. Some features were buses, cars, buddy system-carpooling, bus passes and links to where you could perhaps get ahold of discounts, price lists and passes for public transportation or NHS transport.
After these we discussed after care and what to do next information options.

The app/website could be a full guide from start to finish.
It could be the easy to use bridging tool many in the community need to reach out or stay involved.
It could become a tool many relay on for both the mental and social aspects of their lives.

The clients will regularly join and observe many of our studio classes throughout the project, giving tips and further instruction on anything we may be having trouble understanding or designing.
We have decided as a class to set up a private facebook group, to discuss and share ideas, we also decided to include the clients on the page to keep them informed and allow their feedback.
This way the clients will also be able to share links and ideas on colour schemes and app/website styles without the hassle of emailing everyone individually.
At this point i can see communication between the class, groups and clients will be key to creating a final end product everyone is proud of.


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