The main aspects of this tutorial were...
-Organization, always label your layers appropriately, especially if they will be transferred to different software. I normally label my layers anyway due to previous flash and animation experience, but this project has far more layers and the best thing to do is label and group them. This way if i want to focus on the banner or logo i wont have to find it amoung a dozen other layers for separate assets.
-Using available tools, although most of the time its best to create your own models from scratch (like i originally attempted) in this case its easier and better suited to start with the available shape tools and simply modify them to your design.
-Aligning type, graphics isnt just about the design, the biggest element is actually the layout and how precise your measurements are, sometimes you can get away with manually placing the desired image where you want it, but when you are working on a larger scale, or with more features to the piece, you want everything precisely aligned, you want that spacing between the boarder and the image precisely 10mm, not approx a cm and have the whole thing look out off place once its finished. After all theres no point in guessing measurements when the software can get it right so easily.
Plus if you use the features correctly when aligning the text, you wont have to re-position the text if and when you have to make an adjustment or correction.
Above is my version of tutorial 2, with some minor adjustments.
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