horseface and why

HORSEFACE PROMOTIONS, a small business in Belfast. its a music promotional agency that is quite successful, but they could be so much more. I chose them because theyve very little promotional designs for thier own company, and are relatively unknown on the internet. They are a local business and id like to boost that, plus itd be so much easier to get in contact with them and get more out of this project, compared to a bigger business.

I have made first contact with the company and so far they seem on board. but its still early days. regardless if the business gets on bard or not, ill still continue to use thier company and its current work, for bases for my company rebrand project.

What i like most about this company and why i chose it, its not just because who they are and theyre local and all that, its also because the music promotional industry interests me, and its has a diverse range of clientel, and i would need alot of research in to this company, what they do, who they work with  before i can say for certain, but id say at this point thered be interesting visuals to work from for this rebrand.

My next steps would be continue contact with them, find out more about them, their clients, their audience, and of course their competitors for inspiration.


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