research and what i intend to do now

Knowing whats already out there is one of the first steps when creating just abuot anything, for starters you dont want to copy someone elses work, or create something so similar or too unique and odd. So i looked into the business and promotional companies that HORSEFACE promotions work with.
Blackflag being a new promotional agency with he same type of lient base, seem to have the same problem promotions wise, however they are mainly based in the midulster area, so i guess they dont really need alot of internet presence, whereas HORSEFACE do and they are severely lacking.
Celtic wolf was a very interesting looking logo, its obviously very visual, yet the colours are simple and easily transferable, especially since alot of poster prints are in black and white.
I liked celtic wolfs logo/brand not just because its an easily remembered name, and quite tourist friendly, but i also like how they have the simple logo to create merchandise.
A similar but not celtic wolf keychain shown below for example would be a decent piece of merchandise. other than that its an easy logo to put on a badge or jacket.

Noticing a pattern in the simple but obvious logos, and in the black and white theme. is this because they print mainly in black and white, or is it for simplicity purposes, or maybe its all a coincidence.
but im leaning towards simple and basic in style and colour at this point maybe a slight colour on the logo somewhere to make it stand out, but other than that, follow suit in the black and white ways of all the other music companys in northern ireland.


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