just some digital stuff

Bringing the design into photoshop was definitely not as easy as i thought it would be. Below are a few of my favourite techniques and experiments for my personal logo.

This collage of experiments was a simple assorted brush, textured 28px, i love how its perfect for the sketchiness of my logo, but its still too plain, so i went further and experimented with neon and this brush stroke. My main problem with this brush stroke isnt that its just plain, its perfect apart from the fact its far to difficult to handle. even with the graphics tablet i find this brush extremely messy, and it was the best of a bad lot, so im hoping the neon will really define these brush stroke but keep that sketchiness. 

Above is hours of experimenting, finially achieved in one very simple looking heart shape. Im so glad i spent so long on this experiment, in the end it really became what i was looking for, all e it not presented in the final design, but for now, i have the technique and even colours sorted. colour scheme wise ill explain further in my inspirations post. but for now im so happy ive achieved this neon heart beat design. I believe it will capture everything i wanted in this logo once put to practice. however i found this extremely difficult to manouver since i was using the pen tool 'path' to get the neon, so creating a heart shape might be extremely difficult. in the end though it should be worth it.


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