When in doubt, start like you would any other project, brainstorming and a heck of a lot of research, and thats exactly what i did, shown below is one of my initial brainstorms, in my oh so tidy fashion as usual.
As you can see i looked at and thought of using and the possibilities of many different types of companies, in different sectors, in different sizes, this was a big decision, after all, this is not only a part of my grade, this project will more than likely involve me being held accountable in the eyes of a business for the rebranding of thier logo and everything else i decide to fix up.
The company HAS to be one im interested in, one i want to help, and communicate with, if my passion isnt in the project i dont think i would enjoy it, nor would i come across very well in this (live?) project. The company after all will remember how good/bad i am in dealing with this project. so not only is it my first real taste of re/branding, but also dealing with a client.
To know the different types of companies i looked at big and small businesses, ones with good and bad logos, above are my favourite, i notice many brands are contained in a shape or object, so im hoping to aim for something like that is its suitable, this would make it more appealing come merchandise time, if the company/ sector i inevitably choose suits merchandise or even a contained logo.
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