Green days grenade heart logo was a massive inspiration when i was designing my personal logo and more specifically the heart shaped ones.
When i thought heart logo i thought instantly green day, and that what you want in a logo, to be thought of or instantly recognized.
When designing this logo, although it wont be priority one, id like it to be able to be put on merchandise, be that a badge button or key chain, i think it be an interesting final product that way.
The idea of a heart chain seems to be reoccuring in my designs, my intials tend to look like inlinked chains, and ive been experimenting with the idea of a heart as a logo, for many reasons, i think its personal to just about anyone. but for me its down to the fact that im smaller/shorter than most, and i dont like being underestimated for my size or even skills. a heart is small, yet vital, its important and strong even though its one of the most fragile organs.
The idea of making it out of metal or having a chain metal of hearts like the ones above, is actually bringing in my engineering past, and reminding me where ive been and where im going. reminds me lifes interesting as long as you make it interesting and keep exploring new things. so the heart, although simple and sometimes over used, would be a personal logo in many ways.
A signature is a very personal thing and as designers/artists we add our signature to just about anything, bottom of a painting (digital or not) contract to your new design job, or the loan to get you over the harsh winter (im kidding) point is, we sign everything, less than say an author but slightly more than the average joe. So the whole make your signature your signature logo, how you are recognized seemed perfect, especially since i have quite an odd signature as it is, the C and D are obvious enough, ut the rest seems to be small scribbles to everyone but me. and lets face it, even Walt Disney took advantage of an odd signature, to this day, no matter how many makeover Disney has had, or how many companies it spans out, we all know what Walt Disneys signature looked like, long after his death this is a major inspiration and i think i want to experiment with it further.
Definitely torn between my signature and the heart design, i think i could do more with the heart though, a signature is interesting but i dont think i could use it on merchandise as much. So for this module i think ill focus more on the heart at the moment. now how i should design the heart is an entirely different story.
The heart idea originally came from my signature, i signed my initials so many times whilst trying to think of an interesting way to style them, that i realized my initials together, joined looks like heart, all be it a hear with a line down it, but theres definitely something to it. i think its a design that needs pushed further. perhaps join the heart and signature together
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